Know today Grow tomorrow
Our secret source is in the journey we enable our clients to take their enterprise on, using new ways to know where and how to grow tomorrow. This journey is made possible with the Advanced Future Growth Method.
Clients will experience two main parts to this journey, an Initiate part that develops a platform and sets the future track for the main Convert part, which assists leaders execute the process of getting the enterprise on to the intended track.
Initiate - Corporate Resolution
Resolving to catch the advanced technology wave, which is outlined in The Perfect Wave, is the first resolution required by the leadership team and Board. We believe this should already be agreed or at least on the agenda for most enterprises. Enterprises not actively responding, at the highest level of their organisation, are exposed to a higher risk profile, lost revenue and value, and increasingly difficult problems, which will likely prove more costly to resolve if delayed.
Preparing the ground for this initial resolution is how we prefer to commence our method. Once the leadership team has reset its strategic intent, in response to the advanced technology wave and using our framing and modeling approach, many decisions will become easier to make as clarity comes to the view of the path forward, revealing new opportunities to advance into the future.
Convert - Options and Transition Response
As this wave crosses the traditional business landscape, many fundamental social, technical, economic and political features will remain steady, however significant new creation and destruction value built on outdated models is expected and reasonably predictable with relevant knowledge and targeted foresight. Converting this growing risk into new options to create value is becoming a priority for companies, governments, and research organisations focused on advancing their future position.
We provide insight and practical responses to assist our clients make three transitions that are at the heart of their growth into the future:
Development of a leadership team that understands why and how the next decade may be very different from the past.
Creation of an advanced technology and next industrial evolution orientated strategic intent and resolution by top management to guide enterprise wide implementation.
Disciplined focus on the core competencies and action required to transform the enterprise into a position of strength in advanced technology adoption and exploitation of current and emerging opportunities.
We assist our clients to explore where to focus in order to most effectively advance their business from where it is today. Our method guides clients to reframe their current view of their enterprise as a way to develop future growth direction and new options, in the context of available advanced technologies, emerging trends and issues. In some cases, there may be immediate business priorities that must be addressed initially, such as a cost management exercise and re-focus on core business, as the first step response to the emerging impact from advanced technologies and changing competition and market environment.
Once a clear strategic intent for the adoption and application of advanced technologies and an implementation plan for the enterprise has been formed, the leadership team can focus on developing and acquiring the right capabilities to grow.
Key Milestones
The first key thing to do is identify who in the enterprise can lead an advanced technology strategic response, who has the understanding and leadership capability.
After you achieve the first milestone, you then need to re-frame advanced technology adoption as a core strategic intention for the enterprise, as a central platform for securing and expanding its future position in the industry and market place.
After that you must create an executive level resolution and conviction among the leadership team to initiate a corporate advanced technology transition program to achieve the strategic intent.
The next major milestone is to define a transition track using realistic options, opportunities for application and adoption of advanced technology, that responds to the enterprises current activities and capabilities.
This step develops a transition implementation framework and program strategy and portfolio management approach to initiate and deliver an array of transition projects suited to the enterprise.
The next step involves engagement of key individuals across the enterprise, and beyond, that have the capability to work as Agents of Change to support, aid and lead transition activities.
The final milestone, towards achieving transition success, is to secure a strong source of knowledge, foresight and innovation support.
Team Outcome
Successful completion of this journey typically leaves the team involved feeling deeply satisfied and more secure in their response to the changes occurring around their enterprise and the market place, as they are now operating with a clear strategic intent, informed by focused knowledge and leading the application of advanced technology.
Corporate Outcomes
Strengthened Leadership
Avoid Risks
New Growth Opportunities
To avoid the risk of eroding shareholder value and position a business to take advantage of the broad shift occurring across the market towards advanced computing applications and nature fitting technologies organisations must review their technology status, strategic intent and options for growth. To prepare to ride the impending AT waves, a strategic review should occur across: product, process, inputs, outputs, and business models.
Like any new direction and response to significant market change, a clear strategy and implementation plan is required that is systematic and addresses all components of the organisation and its activities. While this can be developed in-house, care must be observed to ensure a broad perspective is adopted; diverse options are developed and commercially astute high impact innovation results.
Many corporate leaders, tied up with daily operations and short-term attention on shareholder value, lack a strategic understanding of the impact of advanced technology. They may not also appreciate the significance of the advanced technology trend in the market that is growing in power as this wave of change builds and continues to roll around the globe.
Another aspect of the challenge is thinking of this as a technology issue, when it is really a societal/customer demand and company competitive advantage issue. The problem for leaders then becomes how to deliver an advanced technology outcome, which invariably involves the redesign of products and services and adoption of new technologies, processes or models of business.
Given the significance of the transition process to be initiated by companies and change required over time, leaders need to find ways to interpret and communicate the shifts occurring, the need for action and the opportunity created. Based on greater understanding it will be possible to build wide resolution and coherence within the organisation’s leadership team so they can formulate a coherent advanced technology strategy, executive mandate and implementation pathway to transition their organisation.
For many clients, new growth opportunities exist already or are fast emerging in different areas across the whole market ecosystem. Depending on where the enterprise is currently positioned, our approach to identifying suitable options, aiding their development and conversion into new revenue streams will be adjusted to match.
We assist leaders to adapt and reposition their business, by guiding and directing:
Exploration of new future options and renewal of strategy.
Development of support tools and systems.
Analysis, evaluation and strategy development.
Program design and project implementation.
Creative and technical input to the design, development and adoption of new products, services, processes, technologies, and business models.